



Kenya, tanzania, Rwanda & uganda

Founded in 1963, Origins Safaris for the past 50+ years has built a remarkable and stellar reputation providing bespoke FIT and special small group programs to the discerning traveler.  Passionate about wildlife, cultural heritage, adventure and exploration, Origins ensures an exclusive, unique and authentic experience every time.

Working only with the very best professional guides and naturalists in the industry, they are well established and respected throughout the whole of East Africa. Their dedication to every client's experience is visible in all aspect of their operation, from conception to completion. Operating in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda, Origin Safaris is the one stop East Africa DMC to meet your needs.  Additionally, for the more intrepid, they can offer unique experiences to Ethiopia and remote corners of the continent's interior, including Chad and Central African Republic.   


Origins Safaris

Nairobi, Kenya

Requests: origins@navigo360.com


+254 20 2042695 / 6 / 7 / +254 724 253861

Eastern +8 hours Standard / +7 hours DST

Pacific +11 hours Standard / +10 hours DST